Friday, March 14, 2025

Leroy Comrie Sponsors A Bus Trip To Non-Profit Advocacy Day In Albany NY

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State Senator Invites You To
Non-profit Advocacy Day

The New York State Black Legislative Task Force will be hosting a Non-Profit Advocacy Day on Monday, March 17th from 10am - 2pm in Albany.  I am partnering with my colleagues from Southeastern Queens to provide FREE bus transportation. Seats are limited so please RSVP asap. 

We encourage community-based organizations from within SD14 to participate. Attached, you will find the event flyer and below you can see the planned activities. You are your own best advocates, please take the opportunity to come up and share with my legislative colleagues and I, how we can best serve you. 

The New York State Black Legislative Task Force (NYSBLT), in partnership with Elmcor, is proud to host our first Advocacy Day in Albany—as it provides a pivotal opportunity for community-based organizations to engage with legislators and advocate for funding that supports socially disadvantaged groups. This event provides organizations with a platform to amplify their priorities, address critical community needs, and forge strategic relationships that drive meaningful change. The day will feature a press conference, lobbying efforts, a Grants Information Workshop, and lunch.

During Advocacy Day, we will:
  • Advocate for $50 million in the budget to be allocated to fiscal conduits, who will distribute these funds to small and community-based nonprofits across New York State to provide essential services to socially disadvantaged communities.
  • Explore opportunities for capacity building to help non-profits grow and sustain their work.
  • Highlight the needs of underserved populations and the essential services non-profits provide to these communities.
  • Rally support for policies that foster an environment where all non-profits can thrive and fulfill their missions.
To maximize the impact of Advocacy Day, we encourage participating organizations to visit legislative offices and deliver a one-pager that outlines your organization’s work, its impact, and the critical community needs it addresses.
If you have any questions about the Advocacy Day, please feel free to reach out to my Albany office at 518-455-2701.
Yours in Service,

Leroy Comrie
New York State Senator 
District 14 | Queens
Info On Non-profit Advocacy Day Continues After Sponsor's Messages Below...

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Travel The World In-Style 

Info On
Non-Profit Advocacy Day
Continues Below...

Sponsor's Messages Below

To Book An Appointment Or Get More Info Click Here



While there are brilliant persons on the Autism Spectrum celebrated today, very little media stories focus on people, especially women of color. Our co-publisher's new bio-pic "nZinga's Spectrum In 3D," is a moving and inspirational documentary on how a young Black woman RISES to overcome her challenges.

nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop.  The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.
Checkout Nzinga's Spectrum in 3D now Click Here. Please share

Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

About the Southeast Queens Scoop - is the premier website and only publication offering daily news and updates on the events, culture, issues, and is dedicated to the business and economic development in this largely black historic community.

The publication targets the over 350,000 residents in the Southeast Queen and Jamaica Queens area. It promotes to over 40,000 potential viewers in social media, mobile devices and search engines like Google and Bing!  To learn more about how to promote your business or organization on the Scoop or online Click Here

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