Saturday, March 15, 2025

Get The Scoop On How NY State's Largest African American Chamber Of Commerce Celebrated Black History Month

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New York State’s largest Chamber LIAACC Host Black History Program in Hempstead

New York, New York – New York State’s largest Chamber LIAACC Host Black History Program in the Village of Hempstead.  On February 27th, 2025 the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (LIAACC) hosted its 2025 Black History Month Program at the Joysetta Pearse and Julius Pearse African American Museum of Nassau County in Hempstead.

This year’s Black History Month Program was part of the chamber’s 15th year anniversary celebration; and all year the chamber celebrating the year with old and new signature programs of the chamber.  

Rosa Yardon provided a new twist to LIAACC’s Black History Month Program by providing a “Trivia Game – titled “What Your Best Guess”

The program included a Supplier Diversity Presentation by Akim Jones, a fireside chat with small business owners and business leaders in the community.  Nadia Diaz, Chase 401K Representative provided information Everyday 401K Retirement Options for your Employees and Amy Flores, Chase Bank Community Manager introduced the attendees to Coaching for Impact Chase for Business Program.

This groundbreaking conversation was led by the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.’s Vice President Rose Ward.  Rose Ward is the CEO of NFocus Management Group, LLC 

The panelist on the fireside chat included Phil Andrews, President of the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc./President, 100 Black Men of Eastern New York, Inc. *2019 NY Metro District Office of the United States Small Business Administration for 14 counties Downstate, New York and Surrounding Areas.

Anthony Quinones, is the owner of Interim CFOs an outsourced accounting agency that provides financial infrastructure for emerging startups, creatives and nonprofits so they can devote their full energy to the dream. They do your numbers, and you do your dream.

Jonathan Ortiz, Owner of Creative Focus Designs a professional photography studio located in Nassau County.  Mr. Ortiz is a Certified Professional Photographer, Member of the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., and Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.  He is also a MWBE Certified Business by Nassau County.

Jazz Musical Entertainment was provided by Everton Bailey & the ISOP Youth Ensemble”

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LIAACC Black History Event
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Rose Ward, MBA, is a turnaround professional with over 12 years of classroom experience facilitating business management, professional development, and IT classes. She teaches others how to innovate and helps entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses to create new wealth. As a consultant, Rose has ten years of business experience in numerous industries, from start-ups to mature businesses.

Two participants in the program were pinned with an honorary pin by the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.’s President.  

“It was both an honor and a privilege to pin Akim Jones and Jim Wood, Publisher of the Minority Commerce Weekly.” Phil Andrews, President, Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.   Mr. Woods holds Minority Certifications on the local, state, and federal level as a minority business owner.  

 In 2021 the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. founded Minority Enterprise Development Week in New York State now Minority Enterprise Development Month. Since 2021 the Long Island African the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce has hosted its inaugural event annually at the Town of Hempstead Pavilion.

The Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. served as a participating organization in the Community Navigator Pilot Program which was funded in part through United States Black Chamber’s grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Small Business Owners and Service Owners, and Corporation interested in participating in the chamber’s 2025 anniversary celebration events may log on to our website at: to contact us!

To view events, visit:!event-list!event-list!calendar 

The Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. has appeared on WABC Here and Now, and NBC’s Positively Black.

Become a Chamber Member Today:

#LIAACC #LIAACC15thyear #JoinLIAACC#SupportBlackBusinesses #LongIslandBusiness #Entrepreneurship #JoinTheChamber#MinorityEnterpriseDevelopmentWeek

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While there are brilliant persons on the Autism Spectrum celebrated today, very little media stories focus on people, especially women of color. Our co-publisher's new bio-pic "nZinga's Spectrum In 3D," is a moving and inspirational documentary on how a young Black woman RISES to overcome her challenges.

nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop.  The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.
Checkout Nzinga's Spectrum in 3D now Click Here. Please share

Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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