Sunday, February 9, 2025

Get The Scoop On How The NAACP Islip Smithtown Honored LIAACC President Phil Andrews

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The NAACP Islip Smithtown Honors
LIAACC and The Black Men of
Eastern New York, Inc. President at
2025 Legacy Gala

New York, N.Y. – The NAACP Islip Smithtown Honors Phil Andrews, LI African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc./100 Black Men of Eastern New York, Inc. President at 2025 Legacy Gala on January 25th, 2025 at the Melville Marriott.

New York, New York - Several hundred attendees gathered at the Melville Marriott for the NAACP Islip Smithtown Annual Legacy Awards Gala which attracted a wide cross section of diverse civic, community, non-for-profit leaders, and corporations which support the mission and goals of the NAACP. The keynote speaker and honored guest for the Legacy Gala was Roslyn M. Brock, NAACP Chairman Emeritus, National Board of Directors, and Founder and CEO of
Equity Partnership Strategies, LLC

Roselyn M. Brook empowered the attendees by providing a timely message of encouraging the attendees to work together in the spirit of unity to uplift America and to build upon the fundamental principles of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life work and legacy.

Article On LIAACC President Phil Andrews
Being Honored By the NAACP of
Islip Smithtown Continues After
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Article On
LIAACC President Phil Andrews
Being Honored By the NAACP of
Islip Smithtown Continues Below...
Honorees, Elected Officials, and NAACP Leadership Group Photo: Leg. Sammy Gonzalez, Marvin Smith, Dr. Daphne Gordon, Dr. Corrinne Graham, Maria LaMalfa, Phil Andrews, Alexandra Velez, Rhonda Young, Vincent Vertuccio, Verdel Jones, William Garbarino, Joel Diamond, Erika Duncan, and Shadrack Boeyeke

"It was both an honor and privilege to be honored by NAACP Islip Smithtown Branch of the NAACP. The NAACCP is one of the oldest civil rights organizations in the United States, and the NAACCP has a long and rich history of advancing justice for African Americans." Phil Andrews, President, Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

Left to Right: Cherrell Carter, Member, Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc , Phil Andrews, President, Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., Rose Ward, Vice President, Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., Dr. Renee White, Member, Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

About: Phil Andrews - Phil Andrews is the President of the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. The chamber of commerce has grown to over 500 members during his presidency. The chamber is known for many signature events such as the 1st Regional Chamber Leadership Development Conference, Minority Enterprise Development Month, Annual Black History Month Program, Ladies of LIAACC Women Who Shine Awards, the Annual Who’s Who One Night Only Benefit Gala, and its Two-Day Small Business Bootcamp.

He has been named to City and State Magazine Top Power List on Long Island on six separate occasions. In 2019 LIAACC established and endowment at Nassau Community College supporting older women returning to school. He is the founding President of 100 Black Men of Eastern New York, Inc. His efforts in the area of mentoring have led to increased academic achievement, and a young adult being admitted into West Point Military Academy.
The 100 Black Men of Eastern New York, Inc. was formed to address the current issues of our day in our community and to build upon the illustrious foundation of the men who paved the way for a more just and equitable society. The chapter services the counties of Kings (Brooklyn), Nassau, Queens, Richmond, and Suffolk and concurrently with the Southern District, the waters within the counties of Bronx and New York. The “100” advocates for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in all aspects of society.

The focus of the “100” is to bring together a variety of men from diverse backgrounds who are committed to the community and have exemplified excellence in their perspective spheres of influence.
Phil has received many proclamations from notable political officials including offices from New York State Assembly, Nassau and Suffolk County Executives, Long Island Mayors, Senators, NYC Elected Officials and a variety of other elected offices. Phil’s work has been featured in multi-platform publications including Long Island Business News, Black Star News, The New York Beacon, Amsterdam News, Minority Business Review, The Network Journal, Amsterdam News, New York Trend Newspaper, Our World Media, WABC Here And Now, TD Ameritrade Network, International Grapevine TV Show, Newsday Cover Story titled “Lifting A Generation, Positive Community Magazine, Huffington Post, WLIW TV 21, and NBC’s Positively Black.
He is also featured in the book “15 Years of Minority Business Development” a book published by Mr. Robert Adams.  He has been named to City and State Magazine Top Power List on Long Island on six separate occasions. In 2019 LIAACC established and endowment at Nassau Community College supporting older women returning to school.

In 2019 the New York District Office of the United States Small Business Administration named Mr. Andrews as the 2019 Small Business Champion for 14 counties in Downstate, New York which include New York City, Long Island and the Downstate counties of Duchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester, and surrounding areas.
In 2021 Mr. Andrews was named to Long Island Business News 2021 list of Top Powerful Long Islanders. During the Covid-19 Pandemic his efforts and advocacy led to small business owners throughout the region and nation successfully securing PPP Loans and EIDL Funds.

Mr. Andrews is the founding President of the newly formed African American Small Business Foundation, Inc. The foundation supports the programs and activities of the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

The new foundation will work to work to increase the capacity of small minority-owned and women owned businesses and bring additional programs and resources to the region.

He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Interfaith Nutrition Network, Long Island Association, and the leadership council of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Long Island. In addition, he serves on the advisory board of Long Island Power Authority, and THIRTEEN/WLIW Community Advisory Board.

For more information on the programs and activities of the chamber visit: or the 100 Black Men of Eastern New York, Inc. visit:

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nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop.  The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.
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Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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