Thursday, October 3, 2024

Get The Scoop On The Empowering And Highly Anticipated - Beyond Boundaries: Seminar

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Beyond Boundaries: Seminar
Plans To Help Uplift And Empower
Southeast Queens Residents

Discover what lies ahead and break free from limitations _ the ultimate event for exploring new possibilities in...


This is an intimate, high-impact experience with powerful speakers, purposeful networking, and actionable insights to fuel your growth.

9 more tickets to go.. this is my first event I planned entirely on my own..

If you can't come, forward this to someone who is ready to make a real change.

Checkout Your Host Mss.Francois For
The Beyond Bounderies: Seminar

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Get The Scoop On How Sherie B. Ellison Founder of Tech Savvy Seniors Looks To Inform Elders With Digital Technology

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Tech Savvy Seniors Looks
To Empower Elders with Digital
Insight In Southeast Queens

Sherie B. Ellison, is looking to help an often overlooked sector of our community, often when it comes to modern digital media technology - senior citizens.  Digital media has become the dominant form of media in our society - even surpassing television.

It is also becoming an indispensable part of our personal lives due to smartphones.  Smartphones have become very powerful and functional, to the point of becoming not only personal staples but actually indispensable in our society. 

However, it becomes challenging for all of us to keep up with fast paced advances in digital technology especially senior citizens.  Nevertheless, enter stage right Mrs. Sherie B. Ellison, into our home town of Southeast Queens.

Mrs. Ellison is fired up with a passion and determination to help senior citizens navigate and get a handle on both 
being aware and harnessing the power of digital technology and media platforms.  I'm excited about her organization and glad it didn't take much for me convince Sherie, Founder of Tech Savvy Seniors, to do an exclusive interview with me on her personal purpose and organization's goals.

Mrs. Ellison weighs in like a visionary on why she feels it is so important to bring seniors up to speed using today's rapidly advancing technology.

Sherie B. Ellison Founder
Tech Savvy Seniors

Mrs. Ellison Instructing Seniors
on Smartphone Apps

Mrs. Ellison Clarifying Smartphone
Usage at a Tech Savvy Senior Event

Monday, September 30, 2024

Get The Scoop On The World’s Foremost Prostate Cancer Awareness Advocate Kevin Byrd

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Longtime Global Prostate Cancer Advocate Kevin Byrd named Super Nova in Groundbreaking Interview

Kevin Byrd’s long, lengthy, and esteemed career as "the world’s foremost Prostate Cancer Awareness Advocate" begin at the tender age of 24.  It all begin as a result of his grandfather being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

It is still very unusual for a young man to take up the work that Mr. Byrd has embarked upon during his twenties.  Let’s take a glimpse into the extraordinary work Kevin Byrd has been doing over several decades.
Mr. Byrd started early in his career as a child actor in Utica, New York.  What is unique about his journey is the length of time that he has been involved in advocacy as well as his deep level of human commitment through trials and tribulations.

It is a known fact that in the normal course of our lives we will all encounter roadblocks in life. Mr. Byrd through it all has found a way to consistently spread his message locally, regionally, nationally and internationally to make a difference on the planet.

As we take readers down memory lane to learn about the scope and depth of his life's mission (and work to uncover and shared multiple layers of his life) we hope it will empower others to be faithful to their dreams.  Kevin Byrd is nationally known for his portrayal as Lt. John R. Fox in the 2006 History/HBO movie “Honor Deferred” produced by Al Roker.  It starred Samuel Jackson and Bernie Mac.

Lt. John R. Fox was a WWII hero who killed 100 German Soldiers in the War, died in action, and was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, five decades after his heroic acts by President Clinton.  The documentary picked up an Emmy/NAMIC Vision Award Nomination and garnered great reviews.