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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Get The Scoop On How The Historic Allen A.M.E.Cathedral Receives A New Pastor To Succeed The Iconic Flake Legacy

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The Historic Allen AME Church
Announces New Progressive Pastor
To Succeed The Flake Legacy

By Kamau Austin, Co-publisher, The Southeast Queens Scoop

After a high energy service three (3) weeks ago culminating the Flake Legacy worship service, as a memorial for stewardship of Doctors Floyd and Elaine Flake, Allen A.M.E. Cathedral, recently announced their highly anticipated appointment for their new Pastor: Rev. Stephen A. Green.  Allen A.M.E. has been a pillar of community progress for many decades under the former Pastors Floyd and Elaine Flake's leadership.

Digital Flyer To Commemorate Flake Legacy Service    

Aleeia Abraham
, highly respected leader of the 36,000+ Black Resource Network sent positive vibes to the new Pastor and his wife Ms. Lady Braea Green, "Congratulations to Rev. Stephen A. Green and his wife, Lady Braea Green on their new appointment as Pastor at The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York."  Her comments reflected the comments of many other members of her organization and residents of Southeast Queens last week.

Rev. Green is known to have quite an extensive background championing community causes and social justice.  Pastor Green seems to have had a passion for social justice from his family and early involvements in activism.

According to Faith For Black Lives "
Rev. Green’s passion to help others and fight the good fight started early. He grew up helping at his father’s church.

He began organizing against police brutality and gun violence while in high school in Little Rock, Arkansas. While studying at Morehouse College, the alma mater of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., he learned of the deaths of Troy Davis and Trayvon Martin and became a student organizer."

Article On The Selection of Rev. Stephen A. Green, as the New Head Pastor of Allen A.M.E. Cathedral Continues After Sponsor's Messages Below...

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Article On
The Selection of Rev. Stephen A. Green, as
The New Head Pastor of
Allen A.M.E. Cathedral
Continues Below...

Pastor Green describes his family upbringing as "He comes from a family of liberationists, he says."  It is purported that his mother and father met as anti-apartheid activists.

One member of his congregation expressed concern that the couple was young and may have challenges running the historic church while others point to his considerable experience in the past running progressive churches and also Allen's social justice operations as proof he is up to the job.

For instance Rev. Green served as Pastor of Heard AME Church, Roselle, N.J., “The Community Church.”  The newly installed Pastor also formerly served at St. Luke African Methodist Episcopal Church in New York City.

Some members of Allen A.M.E. felt the membership should be familiar with Pastor Green, one chimed in "People at Allen should know of him because he was the Social Justice Pastor at Allen. There’s videos of him at Allen and he used to do the Freedom Friday Bible Study at Allen."

Another added "he was there for about a year and it was during Covid. Also, he was one of the many ministers Allen has. So a lot of members may not know him or his background."  However, another member stated "Yup. We (including the retired pastor) had no idea who was being appointed. It’s the way the A.M.E. denomination is setup."

A number of members expressed approval recently at his 1st sermon as pastor.  We anticipate that he is on his way to make an impact and his own legacy given his extensive social justice background.

He of course has big shoes to fill.  The Flakes made an invaluable contribution to the community in Jamaica, NY and Southeast Queens.  Nevertheless, given the extensive social justice background of Allen's new Spiritual leader Rev. Stephen A. Green, it expresses no doubt, A.M.E. Cathedral's commitment to a new era of strong community advocacy. 

Therefore, we 
at the Southeast Queens Scoop, wish him the best, and hope to meet with him to see how we can work together for community empowerment.  Our prayers are with him, his wife and the Allen faith community. 

This recent change in leadership brings back memories in my activist past.  I can remember working with Allen's political action committee over 40-years ago during Jesse Jackson's 1984 Presidential campaign as a representative of Rev. Herbert  Daughtry.  Rev. Daughtry, was then Pastor of the House of The Lord Churches in Brooklyn.

Daughtry was also the President of the National Black United Front (NBUF). I was the leader of Rev. Daughtry's branch of the Queens African People's Christian Organization (APCO).  I was born and raised in Jamaica, Queens, so Rev. Daughtry sent me to Queens to work with Rev. Flake for Rev. Jesse Jackson's Presidential run as his delegate to represent him in the primaries.   

They told me to return to work in Queens during the 1984 Jesse Jackson Presidential campaign run.  In that role I worked with a diverse group of activists like Allen's Political Action Committee, The Nation Of Islam, Five Percenters, and other community activists in unity and common purpose to get Jesse Jackson on the ballot and win Southeast Queens.  Jesse Jackson subsequently won the popular vote in SE Queens and Rev. Flake ran as Jesse's delegate.

This built the political infrastructure and momentum for Rev. Flake to later become the 1st Black Congressman from SE Queens. Before that SE Queens was run/represented by Joseph Addabbo, in Howard Beach.

Rev. Flake had me come speak at his Church (before the new Allen A.M.E. Cathedral building was constructed). I've never spoken to so many people at one time before this appeal to support Jesse Jackson's run for President "back in da day."  This recent move with the installment of Rev. Green out of the iconic Flake legacy brings back moving memories.

About Kamau Austin, is the award winning Publisher of the Black News Scoop, The Southeast Queens Scoop, and Scoop Publications, a division of AMS Digital Media.  He is a long time activist, entrepreneur, podcaster, and author.

Austin has been featured in Black Enterprise, Fortune Magazine Small Business, CNN, radio, cable, and countless newspapers and blog sites.

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nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop.  The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.
Checkout Nzinga's Spectrum in 3D now Click Here. Please share

Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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