Dad Quentin Mezetin Helps
Families With Loved Ones
On The Spectrum
Defeat Autism Daily
Families With Loved Ones
On The Spectrum
Defeat Autism Daily
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By Kamau Austin
Quentin Mezetin, a Dad and devoted husband with 2 children on the autism spectrum (out of 5 siblings) will be featured April, 14, 2024, at First Baptist Church, 100-10 Astoria, East Elmhurst, NY 11369. The event will be conducted in person and on Zoom, and requires registration.
The topic of the Lunch & Learn, will be: Autism Awareness & Fighting Ableism. You can register for the event here
This is a free event, conducted during April, which is Autism Awareness Month. A light lunch will be served. Mezetin, is also the Founder of IamD.A.D (Defeating Autism Daily).
As a dad on the autism spectrum who has spoken to Mr. Mezetin, I can assure you this will be a moving and insightful discussion about overcoming the challenges of Autism.
As a dad on the autism spectrum who has spoken to Mr. Mezetin, I can assure you this will be a moving and insightful discussion about overcoming the challenges of Autism.
Quentin draws deep from his love and commitment as a father to help advocate and support families experiencing the mixed blessings and challenges of having autistic children. As a born and raised resident of Queens he is an inspiration for people encouraged by his presence as a dedicated father and also father figure to the larger community.
Rarely do we see or hear from Black Fathers in the major media. And even less visible are Black men actively involved as co-care givers of children dealing with the autism spectrum disorder.
Autism is becoming increasingly known about in our society because in part more and more parents are having children on the spectrum. Quentin has 5 children and two (2) of them and his wife's youngest children are on the spectrum.
In the past, I persuaded Quentin to open up and share his experiences and mission to help other families, especially those striving to defeat autism daily. His exclusive interview follows the short video with him below...
Checkout A Quick Interview With
Quentin Mezetin of IamD.A.D.
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While there are brilliant persons on the Autism Spectrum celebrated today, very little media stories focus on people, especially women of color. Our co-publisher's new bio-pic "nZinga's Spectrum In 3D," is a moving and inspirational documentary on how a young Black woman RISES to overcome her challenges.
nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop. The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.
Checkout Nzinga's Spectrum in 3D now Click Here. Please share
Exclusive Interview On
Quentin Mezetin Repping
Quentin Mezetin Repping
IamD.A.D. Continues Below...
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Quentin Mezetin and his Beautiful and Amazing Family |
Kamau's Question: Quentin, it is an honor to interview you because your story is one that resonates with me, as a dad who also has a child on the autism spectrum. Can you tell me a little about your background?
Like where you grew up and maybe went to school?
Like where you grew up and maybe went to school?
Quentin's Answer: I grew up in Queens NY. I went to private school in Jackson heights until 8th grade, boarding high school in Tranquility, NJ, 2 years. I Graduated August Martin High School in Queens NY, then went to boarding college in Silver Springs, Maryland.
Kamau's Question: How has having children on the autism spectrum impacted your life?
Quentin's Answer: It changed the way I looked at and understood autism. It changed the way I parent. It strengthened my patience, love, and empathy. My purpose in life became more defined.
Kamau's Question: Do you think Black Dads get the credit they deserve?
Quentin's Answer: Not at all! We provide and hide, then protect and deflect just to get by day by day. Black Dads are strong because the world is attacking us in every direction, and we have no choice but do the best we can for our children.
Kamau's Question: Can you tell us about how you and your family manage taking care of loved ones on the autism spectrum?
Quentin's Answer: We continue to learn about autism and solutions to help our children become more independent. We have 3 older kids 19, 18, and 15 not on the spectrum and our 2 youngest 8 & 7 on the spectrum. We educate all of our children of the solutions, methods, changes and how we all have to implement in order to support Quintus(8) and Quinn(7).
Kamau's Question: Who or what inspired you to take the leap of faith and commitment to start your organization "I Am D.A.D.?"
Quentin's Answer: I started I am D.A.D. because I couldn’t find me when I needed me most. When I was lost, confused, embarrassed, ashamed, depressed, weak and angry. I felt I was alone. I'm not alone feeling like this but other parents that felt like this were giving up. Don’t cry to quit, cry to keep going. I am D.A.D. empowers parents fight for their children’s independence and not to give up.
Kamau's Question: What are some of the supportive services and products your organization "I Am D.A.D.," provides?
Quentin's Answer: Mentorship, Behavioral Coaching, and assistance with resources.
Kamau's Question: What is the best way to contact you and support your organization?
Quentin's Answer: www.Iamdads.com and attend the Autism Awareness & Fighting Ableism event: April 14, 2024.
Attend the Autism Awareness & Fighting Ableism, Lunch & Learn, when you register for the event here
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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