Saturday, March 11, 2023

See How Young Nurse Samantha Cepeda's Platform Gives 1,000’s of Nursing Students a New Fun Interactive Way to Study

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Samantha Cepeda, is a licensed practical nurse, artist, and educator from Atlanta, who is also the founder and CEO of The Nurse Sam, a leading resource for visual and interactive learning for nursing students. Her platform offers a new approach to studying with the use of innovation and artistry. Following the philosophy that “a person retains when entertained,” she helps students to effectively digest information while making learning a more fun experience.

Samantha founded the company in 2018, after going through an emergency hysterectomy just 5 days after her wedding. Today, her website has a continuously growing following who benefit from her unique learning materials. She has become a leading resource for nursing students at all levels! “I’m giving nursing students a new way to study and retain information that they will enjoy,” says Nurse Sam.

There are several types of educational content available on in the site. In addition to digital study guides, the site also offers other learning media such as online courses and live broadcasts.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Learn How The Grid Collective - Is Dedicated To Growing NY's Green Businesses and Jobs

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Rescheduled For March 30th
The Grid Collective - Growing NY's
Green Businesses And Jobs

National Grid | The Grid Collective - Growing NY's Green Businesses and Jobs by providing equal access to clean energy opportunities.  The event has been rescheduled for March 30th 2023.

About this Event

As a part of National Grid's Project C; TGC is working towards Climate and Environmental Justice for all of our New York communities while also providing workforce development and training for residents and vendors in the clean energy sector. Join National Grid in building a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

Vendor Pathway includes existing and start-ups businesses in the following categories: Vendor Development for a "Range of Vendors, Suppliers and Professional Services Candidates", Minority Owned, Women Owned, Veterans Owned, LGBTQ plus other Diverse Candidates, Tier 1, Large-Medium-Small & Micro Businesses, National Grid USA Clean Energy & Weatherization Workforce Training Program focused on underserved communities, and NYS Nat. Grid's local and regional communities.

Workforce Pathway includes candidates ranging form "18 years of age to post-retirees" motivated by Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Training and Employment opportunities to build a Net-Zero Energy Workforce. National Grid seeks to improve a candidate's skills and open-up/expand employment opportunities at The Grid and in the energy industry by providing job opportunities for skilled, predominantly shock-unemployed people, and provide Educational Support tools

Also check out other Workshops in Jamaica.

Tickets for The Grid Collective - Growing NY's Green Businesses and Jobs can be booked Click Here.