Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton, the Founder & CEO of The Fatherless Generation Foundation Inc. (TFGF), is celebrating having reunited 8,400 fatherless children with 3,281 biological fathers. She says that she believes fatherlessness creates an identity issue along with a slew of other emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual issues.
Dr. Torri J. herself grew up without her biological father finally reuniting with him when she was 31 years old. She comments, “Finding my biological father at 31 years old caused me to discover my identity and realize the significance of a father’s role in our lives. I believe, if possible, all human beings should have the same opportunity I was provided. By reuniting with my biological father I was positioned to heal from the trauma fatherlessness introduced!”
Her reunification with her father has been the catalyst and the blueprint for helping fatherless children do the same. Her pain of growing up fatherless and healing from that pain is what led her to launch her foundation and reunite fatherless children with their biological fathers.
“Fatherlessness is an indoctrination into trauma and dysfunctional behavior that is normalized within certain communities leaving children wanting a daddy so bad, but afraid to reunite with him,” says Dr. Torri J. Her foundation normalizes reunification, has a vision of Eradicating Fatherlessness Through Reunification, and helps its clients with a step-by-step action plan to getting the successful reunite the child within their desires.
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To learn more about Dr. Torri J. and The Fatherless Generation Foundation Inc., visit the official website at TFGF.org
About the Fatherless Generation Foundation (TFGF)
TFGF reunites fatherless children with their biological fathers all while providing the resources and services that strengthen, support, and elevate a commitment to fatherhood and family values. Its Commitment to Fatherhood program is the helm of the organization working with fathers to re-engage and reunite them back into the lives of their children and fatherless children to help them find their identity.
TFGF also hosts Beyond Fatherless Peer Groups in Boys & Girls Clubs and Community Centers in 98 cities within 33 states across the country. It is headquartered in Atlanta with offices in Washington, DC, Miami, Dallas, Chicago, and St. Louis. Now, TFGF has expanded this work into Africa. Zambia, South Africa, and Nigeria are now the new homes of TFGF.
About the Founder
Dr. Torri J. is the passionate CEO of The Fatherless Generation Foundation. She is a Certified Cognitive Behavioral Coach & Practitioner, Fatherless & Reunification Expert, State Certified Family Mediator, and a National Speaker on the positive influence reunification of fatherless children with their biological fathers has on all parties involved and how reunification ignites the healing necessary to reduce the impact negative stigmas associated with growing up fatherless are having on our society.
She is also the author of 4 books, Daddy… Where Are You?, Why Should I Reunite with My Absent Father?, Momma Can You Hear Me?, and a children’s book Tokyo Finds His Daddy. For 5 years, she reunited fathers live on the Rickey Smiley Morning Show with her segment “Father’s Day.”
She is also the author of 4 books, Daddy… Where Are You?, Why Should I Reunite with My Absent Father?, Momma Can You Hear Me?, and a children’s book Tokyo Finds His Daddy. For 5 years, she reunited fathers live on the Rickey Smiley Morning Show with her segment “Father’s Day.”
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nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop. The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.Checkout Nzinga's Spectrum in 3D now Click Here. Please share
While there are brilliant persons on the Autism Spectrum celebrated today, very little media stories focus on people, especially women of color. Our co-publisher's new bio-pic "nZinga's Spectrum In 3D," is a moving and inspirational documentary on how a young Black woman RISES to overcome her challenges.
nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop. The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.
Checkout Nzinga's Spectrum in 3D now Click Here. Please share

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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