Jackson Room Is Back With Spring To Jazz
The following is a message from one of our favorite area jazz legends Ed Jackson. After a hiatus during tax season the Jackson Room is back. Take it away Ed...
Yes,we are back! After taken a few months off we are now ready to present to you our first performance of the year with Jackson Room's own Ed Jackson Quartet.
Since Spring has finally arrived, we have prepared 2 heart warming jazz sets that will radiate through your soul. So, why not “Spring Into Jazz” with the Ed Jackson Quartet Saturday, April 29th for two special shows at 7:00pm and 8:30pm!
The full band of extraordinary and highly sought after members will include:
Cecilia Coleman - Piano
Steve Count - Bass
Lionel Cordew - Drums
Truly Yours - Ed Jackson - Sax
You don't wanna miss it. Tickets will go fast! To attend a live seating show for $30 or to attend both shows for a special price of $35 Click Here.
To watch online, register for a $10 Live Stream ticket: Click Here.
You can purchase tickets also by coming to our Box Office, Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. You can also call our Box Office (718 525-2387) on those days if you wish to make a telephone reservation.
Box Office Address:
Jackson Tax Service
Rochdale Mall 1,
165-28 Guy Brewer Blvd Jamaica, NY 11434.
While a limited amount of walk-in tickets may be available on the night of the performance, we highly recommend purchasing tickets either online in advance by Clicking Here or by coming to our box office.
Don't miss this delightful event of jazz artistry, from our family to yours: Saturday, April 29th 7:00pm and 8:30pm.
Kind Regards,
Ed Jackson and the Staff at Jackson Room
Get An Advance Preview Of
The Jackson Room Experience
Checkout The Video Below...
The Jackson Room Experience
Checkout The Video Below...
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Best Selling Author Lorisa Bates Pens Her 2nd Edition Of Her Sistah Secret Agent Heroine Series "Benita Renee Jenkins!"
Author and Media Maven Lorisa Bates |
Lorisa Bates, is once again making her indelible mark on dynamic literature with a Black cultural edge. She has created an exciting series centered around a compelling Black woman heroine: Benita Renee Jenkins.
Bates, is publishing her 2nd edition of her riveting novel in her series entitled "Benita Renee Jenkins - Diva Secret Agent." Her highly anticipated 2nd novel published in her popular Sistah shero series is "Benita Renee Jenkins 2: Boxing Rings and Cages," is available to order. To order now click here.
Checkout The Suspenseful Benita Renee Jenkins 2 Book Trailer Below...
For more Info checkout our Exclusive Interview Click Here

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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