West Palm Beach, FL -- Certified Holistic Practitioner
and Aromatherapist Renee Hughes has launched an online course on Natural
Anxiety Relief using essential oils and specialized techniques.
The 1-hour course teaches attendees how to naturally relieve anxious moments - without pills and negative side effects. Guest instructor Jason Winters, Certified Gold Standard Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Coach, will provide supportive techniques to ease escalating stress, including deep breathing, mindset altering tips, and tapping.
Attendees will learn how essential oils - the natural distilled essence of botanicals - support the body's central nervous system. Specifically, the course will teach attendees how to use 5 essential oils to manage stress and stress-related conditions.
The 1-hour course teaches attendees how to naturally relieve anxious moments - without pills and negative side effects. Guest instructor Jason Winters, Certified Gold Standard Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Coach, will provide supportive techniques to ease escalating stress, including deep breathing, mindset altering tips, and tapping.
Attendees will learn how essential oils - the natural distilled essence of botanicals - support the body's central nervous system. Specifically, the course will teach attendees how to use 5 essential oils to manage stress and stress-related conditions.
Article On Renee Hughes Natural Anxiety Relief using essential oils and specialized techniques continues after Sponsor's Message Below...
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Article On Renee Hughes' Natural Anxiety Relief Using Essential Oils And Specialized Techniques Continues Below...
Since ancient times, the soothing aroma of plants and the oils they produce have been known to have therapeutic effects on the human mind and body. Certain oils are known to have the ability to enhance calm and well-being, and to uplift and relax. As a trained aromatherapist, Renee Hughes can help attendees choose a synergistic blend of oils with therapeutic properties to address their specific symptoms and pain points.
"We know that aromatic plants can have the power to change our mood, boost our immune system, reduce pain, and give us an incredible night's sleep with no side effects," says Renee Hughes. "When you combine the deep breathing and supportive techniques with the power of these oils, you have a toolkit that can allow you to manage the hustle and bustle of life and to treat common and complex symptoms."
Past course participants say the program has taught them how to use supportive techniques to enhance a sense of peace and well-being and how to safely use essential oils for their family's overall health and wellness.
For more information and to gain access to a free gift and to purchase the course, you may join their mailing list https://thearomaspecialist.com/aroma-free-gift/.
Aromaspecialist is an educational program that provides instruction and specialized solutions for members interested in learning about the chemistry behind essential oils. Members learn how to safely and effectively use essential oils for their specific needs. Personalized sessions give members a one-on- one opportunity to discuss their pain points with a certified holistic practitioner and aromatherapist. To become a member, visit https://thearomaspecialist.com
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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