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6 of the 13 I(E)rving family siblings from Saluda, South Carolina |
Until now, the family has not received any kind of justice. Furthermore, the state has publicly disrespected the family by honoring one of the fraudulent attorneys, Billy C. Coleman, who recently died.
Saluda, SC -- Attorney Billy C. Coleman (Saluda, SC) died at the age of 103 on March 4, 2019.1 On March 7, 2019, the Governor of South Carolina, Henry McMaster, decided to file, for immediate execution, an Executive Order for the flags atop the State Capitol in South Carolina to be lowered to half-staff from sunrise until sunset on Friday, March 8, 2019, in honor of Billy C. Coleman and in recognition of his extraordinary legacy and lifetime of distinguished service to the State of South Carolina. This, as stated in McMaster's Order, was done in accord with section 10-1-161 (E) of the South Carolina Code of Laws, as amended, which provides that "upon the death of a person of extraordinary stature, the Governor may order that the flags atop the State Capitol Building be lowered to half-staff at a designated time or for a designated period of time."2
As tweeted by Governor McMaster and pictured on his Twitter account on March 8, 2019 at 2:24pm, McMaster felt that his Order was perfectly executed.3
"Actually, this lowering of the state flags for Attorney Coleman really is the fifth time that, within the past 15 years, the descendants of David and Sally Mae (Williams) Irving (Saluda, SC) have been "slapped in the face" by the South Carolina government in regard to our ordeal with Attorney Billy C. Coleman," says Diethric Langford (Indianapolis, IN), a second generation I(E)rving descendant.
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According to the I(E)rvings, the first time their family's "face got slapped" by the South Carolina government happened in 2003 when Attorney Billy C. Coleman, along with his cohorts [including Attorney Kathy O. Rushton (Saluda, SC); Attorney Christian G. Spradley (Moore Taylor Law Firm, PA, Saluda, SC); Attorney Henrietta Gill (Leesburg, SC); the late Richard “Dick” Clark (friend of Coleman, Leesville, SC); and Bobbie Jo Clark (wife of Clark, Leesville, SC)] decided to try and take, for little or nothing, the 110 acres of Saluda farmland that had been owned by the I(E)rvings since 1917. The I(E)rvings thought it was unethical for Attorney Coleman, who had at one time served as legal counsel for the entire I(E)rving family, to be doing what he was doing (i.e., continuously committing sneak attacks upon the I(E)rvings, fiercely tormenting them, and especially targeting and then taking advantage of some of the weak, sick and mentally incompetent I(E)rving family members whom he knew very well).
The I(E)rving family was certainly shocked as well as disappointed when the Supreme Court of South Carolina Office of Disciplinary Counsel point blank said, in response to the I(E)rvings' complaint, that there was nothing that they could do, in accordance with their rules, to stop Attorney Coleman and his cohorts. On top of this, the Counsel also informed the I(E)rvings that they didn't find anything unethical about the actions being committed by Attorney Coleman and his cohorts. (Slap in the face number one.)
"It was then, for over a decade," says David Greene (Alameda, CA), a third generation I(E)rving descendant, "that my family (the I(E)rvings) had to unwillingly battle in court with Attorney Coleman and his cohorts. Finally, without one of the 185+ I(E)rving family members knowing, Attorney Coleman and his cohorts just outright took and then, for their self-profit, secretly sold the I(E)rving's property on March 28, 2014."
The I(E)rvings did file with the Supreme Court of South Carolina Office of Disciplinary Counsel hundreds of pages of complaint against Coleman, Spradley, Gill, Rushton, and Clark. In detail, this Counsel was informed of every lie, misuse of court procedures, and tormenting scheme that was utilized by these individuals in regard to this case. Surprisingly, this Counsel reported back to the I(E)rving family, with their standardized letters, stating that they were so very limited in their powers to act in such matters and that there simply was nothing that they could do to stop Attorney Coleman nor the others who were involved in this most atrocious criminal act. The Counsel dismissed every complaint that was filed by the I(E)rving family. This was, indeed, the I(E)rving family's second "slap in the face" from the South Carolina Government.
The I(E)rvings proceeded to get their third "slap in the face" from the South Carolina Government when they decided, on June 25, 2014, to contact every member of the South Carolina Supreme Court Senate and House of Representatives and inform them of just how mean, atrocious, conniving, tormenting, evil and wicked Attorney Coleman and his cohorts were being toward the entire I(E)rving family. The I(E)rvings' request for help from any member of the SC Senate or House was totally ignored. The I(E)rving family's "face was slapped" by the South Carolina Government for the third time when the General Assembly of both the South Carolina Supreme Court Senate and House of Representatives then, on February 4, 2015, adopted a concurrent resolution To Recognize And Commend The Honorable Billy C. Coleman Of Saluda County For His Outstanding Public And Community Service To The People Of South Carolina.4
"A fourth 'slap to the face' for the I(E)rvings did occur just shortly before this fifth one with the lowering of the flags by the Governor," says Mrs. Langford. "The Supreme Court of South Carolina Office of Disciplinary Counsel, after again receiving complaints from the I(E)rvings, once more informed the I(E)rving family, on March 1, 2019, that this Disciplinary Counsel is not going to take any action toward anyone involved in the outright taking and then secret selling of the I(E)rvings' property."
As the I(E)rvings' original title states, their property was never to be taken from them by any one. Yet, the South Carolina Government permitted Attorney Billy C. Coleman and his cohorts to do this, with not one of these individuals ever having any fear of facing any kind of punishment, jail time, disbarment or with their never having to consider a single thought in regards to getting, at the very least, a "slap on the wrist".
What Attorney Billy C. Coleman (and his cohorts) did to the I(E)rving family was not only wrong in the eyesight of man, but also in the eyesight of God as well.
"How long will justice be crucified, and truth bear it?" I come to say to you this afternoon, however difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will not be long, because "truth crushed to earth will rise again." How long? Not long, (Yes, sir) because "no lie can live forever." How long? Not long, because "you shall reap what you sow." How long? Not long: Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne, Yet that scaffold sways the future, And, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, Keeping watch above his own. How long? Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." -- Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
1 - Billy Coleman Obituary. March 6, 2019. Click Here
2 - McMaster, H. Executive Order No. 2019-10. Click Here
3 - McMaster, H. Twitter. Click Here
4 - South Carolina General Assembly, 121st Session, 2015-2016. A Concurrent Resolution. February 10, 2015. Click Here
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