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Monday, March 25, 2019

Overcome Bullying -- New Book Addresses How To Become Bully Proof

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Author Brent La Prince Edwards and his bookcover
Asheville, NC -- Recently two elementary school aged African American children committed suicide because of bullying. According to research by the Anti-bullying Institute, approximately 160,000 children deliberately miss school per day in America in fear of being bullied.

Bullying not only hurts it also kills. As part of the solution, Brent La Prince Edwards returns to the literary limelight with the release of You Can’t Bully Me Anymore (published by Xlibris), a juvenile fiction addressing the issue of bullying among children.

In the book, young readers meet Thomas, Rosa, Chad and Nancy, who all experience different forms of bullying in school. Through their stories, children will learn about bullying, its cause and effect, and how they can prevent and recover from the event.

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Article On The New Book You Can’t Bully Me Anymore Continues Below...

Moreover, You Can't Bully Me Anymore reaches out not only the bullied but also the often missing dynamic of offenders themselves. Written to elementary school-aged children, the book employs cartoon illustrations and a language that they can appreciate and understand. It gives tools of prevention, recovery, next-steps and builds healthy self-esteem in children regardless of ethnicity or socio-economic status.

Bullying is never acceptable on any level, and hope is available. Edwards reminds, "I want children to learn to feel good about themselves and learn to embrace and respect their own uniqueness and the uniqueness of others.

The more children, parents, guardians, school officials, elected city officials and communities recognize the dangers of bullying and learn tools of prevention and recovery, the better and safer the world will become helping children to become productive and responsible citizens of society."

Book Details:
You Can't Bully Me Anymore
By Brent La Prince Edwards
Hardcover /8.5.x 8.5in/ 42 pages /ISBN 9781984565679
Softcover /8.5 x8.5in/ 42 pages/ISBN 9791984565662
E-Book /42 pages/ ISBN 9781984565655
Available at YouCantBullyMeAnymore.comAmazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author
Brent La Prince Edwards is a highly sought ordained minister, speaker, workshop and seminar facilitator whose gifts have afforded him to speak on local, national and international platforms. He is the senior pastor of the historic St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church in Asheville.

Well educated, he is an advocate for the education, health and holistic well-being of youth. Because of his ministry, advocacy and willingness to enter the trenches, countless lives have been transformed from the marginalized to celebrity status, becoming productive citizens of society.

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