Sponsored Editorial By Anna Kihagi
Real Estate Investor Anna Kihagi Takes On The City Of San Francisco
Real Estate Investor Anna Kihagi Takes On The City Of San Francisco
The sad story that is not being heard risks a catastrophic result. For years, the black community has been vocal about the City’s prejudiced treatment of black tenants and business owners. What used to be once a thriving and prominent community, that could rival Harlem in Jazz and entertainment, has steadily been eroded. The biggest culprit of cultural demolition has been the City of San Francisco itself.
In 1970, blacks made up 13% of the San Francisco population; today, it’s closer to 3% – and shrinking quickly:
“My prediction is 10 years from now, we won’t have 20,000 blacks in this city.” - Rev. Amos C. Brown, pastor of Third Baptist Church, a historically black church founded in 1852.
Article And Video From Ms. Anna Kihagi On Housing Injustice To Blacks In the City Of San Francisco Continues After Sponsor's Message Below...
Video From Ms. Anna Kihagi Continues Below...
Video From Ms. Anna Kihagi Continues Below...
It’s been over 2 years since more than 130 black residents faced more than 400% rent increases at their Midtown building which was owned by the City of San Francisco. Those tenants’ plight was ignored for the longest time by many in San Francisco, and similarly, a follow-up on how they have fared is non-existent. See more discussion visit this site
Now, compare the tenants in the Castro building on Market Street that was discussed recently in the San Francisco Examiner. The City of San Francisco is going so far as to purchase an entire floor in a building to protect these residents. For example visit this site
The Mercy residents were in line to own their units, putting them on the path to a lifelong dream for many: homeownership. Then the City put an abrupt end to the ownership model, instead astronomically increasing the rent for these 130 residents. Meanwhile, at the Market Street property, the City has become incredibly concerned with helping 16 non-blacks, to the extent that the Board of Supervisors has gotten involved because the building is meant for commercial use?
The Mercy residents were in line to own their units, putting them on the path to a lifelong dream for many: homeownership. Then the City put an abrupt end to the ownership model, instead astronomically increasing the rent for these 130 residents. Meanwhile, at the Market Street property, the City has become incredibly concerned with helping 16 non-blacks, to the extent that the Board of Supervisors has gotten involved because the building is meant for commercial use?
This is the same way the city deals with the black community whether dealing with residents or business owners. Most of San Francisco could care less and often the stories and the injustices are not even discussed nor investigated. When we report of how City of San Francisco played foul, including denying black landlord Anne Kihagi from testifying, or calling witnesses, the city’s full knowledge of witnesses that were lying, the courts double standard in allowing witnesses whom they deemed credible to only be credible when benefiting the city vs. Ms. Kihagi, and more, the public and the community fails to recognize this as the same conduct that we have allowed and has brought peril.
Maybe it’s time, as black people, we consider raising funds, similar to the above tenants, to acquire buildings that provide a path to ownership? Otherwise, are we are likely have NO BLACK RESIDENTS nor businesses left in the City of San Francisco.
For more information on Anna Kihagi, please contact: @annekihagi1 http://annekihagisf.com/
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