
FLip That Stock (www.FLipThatStock.com) is changing that. FLip That Stock is an African American owned company and leading stock market education and technology company that specializes in teaching beginners how to trade stocks and is based in Prince George's County, Maryland, the wealthiest African American county in the country.
FLip That Stock is re-creating Black Wall Street in select cities across the country with an initiative to teach 1,000 beginners to trade stocks in 2019. It will kick off this initiative with a series of educational seminars for beginners starting Saturday January 12 in Laurel, MD at Laurel Library from 10:30am to 12:30pm and Saturday January 26 at South Bowie Library in Bowie, MD from 10:30am to 12:30pm. There is limited seating and those who want to attend must register at LiveSeminarRegistration.com.
Article & Video Interview On FLip That Stock Continues After Sponsor's Message Below...
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Video Interview & Article On J.R. Fenwick And "Flip That Stock" Continues Below...
"Our people want to learn how the stock market works and how they can make money and we are teaching them," says J.R. Fenwick, founder and CEO of FLip That Stock.
Fenwick knew nothing about the stock market and began buying and selling stocks at the urging of a good friend over 15 years ago. He became so fascinated with the stock market, he began taking classes and then hired a personal coach to teach him. He soon realized that the stock market really wasn't as complicated as it is portrayed when it is taught a certain way.
After making $1,000 in 6 minutes trading a stock from his laptop while sitting at his kitchen table, Fenwick began telling his friends about the little known and understood skill of trading stocks. Soon his friends were asking him to teach them. Word got out and more friends and even strangers began contacting him asking if he had a course. He took his notebook with years of notes and developed a unique online platform that includes videos, training materials and LIVE online training and trading sessions and FLip That Stock was born.
FLip That Stock has members in almost every state in the U.S. and has expanded into Canada.
FLip That Stock's mission is simple... teach BEGINNERS how the stock market works and how to actively trade stocks and network with "like-minded" people to enhance their finances and quality of life.
"The first part of teaching people is debunking the myths and misconceptions that most people have about the stock market, such as, you have to have millions of dollars, an MBA from Harvard and spend all day doing research and looking at complicated stock charts on a computer screen to start buying and selling stocks. Or that it is just too risky (it's just gambling) and you will lose all your money. With the proper education, mentoring and coaching, people will understand they can buy and sell stocks from their laptop from anywhere in the world. Learning to buy and sell stocks is a skill set you can use for the rest of your life," Fenwick says.
Fenwick has brought on board some powerful people who have experienced his company's platform and believe in his mission such as Jim Coleman, former CEO of the Prince George's County Economic Development Corporation, now the V.P. of Market Expansion for FLip That Stock and Peggy Morris, Founder of Sisters 4 Sisters Network, Inc is onboard as a consultant. Cheryl Broussard, former fund manager, stock broker, TV personality and best-selling author.
"The response has been overwhelming since we launched. People have been flooding our websites LiveSeminarRegistration.com and FLipThatStock.com to learn how to get started and become one of the 1,000 we will teach this year. Learning how to buy and sell stocks is a valuable skill set that is one of the keys to taking control of your financial future outside of a job and the fact that you can do it from your laptop, tablet or even smartphone from anywhere in the world makes it even more appealing to people," Fenwick says.
FLip That Stock is launching their own smartphone app and trading software, as well as a social media platform for members to share their trades and ideas on.
Fenwick is regularly interviewed on radio shows and speaks at entrepreneur conferences across the country. FLip That Stock's future is brighter than ever and is like a fast-rising stock.
Fenwick knew nothing about the stock market and began buying and selling stocks at the urging of a good friend over 15 years ago. He became so fascinated with the stock market, he began taking classes and then hired a personal coach to teach him. He soon realized that the stock market really wasn't as complicated as it is portrayed when it is taught a certain way.
After making $1,000 in 6 minutes trading a stock from his laptop while sitting at his kitchen table, Fenwick began telling his friends about the little known and understood skill of trading stocks. Soon his friends were asking him to teach them. Word got out and more friends and even strangers began contacting him asking if he had a course. He took his notebook with years of notes and developed a unique online platform that includes videos, training materials and LIVE online training and trading sessions and FLip That Stock was born.
FLip That Stock has members in almost every state in the U.S. and has expanded into Canada.
FLip That Stock's mission is simple... teach BEGINNERS how the stock market works and how to actively trade stocks and network with "like-minded" people to enhance their finances and quality of life.
"The first part of teaching people is debunking the myths and misconceptions that most people have about the stock market, such as, you have to have millions of dollars, an MBA from Harvard and spend all day doing research and looking at complicated stock charts on a computer screen to start buying and selling stocks. Or that it is just too risky (it's just gambling) and you will lose all your money. With the proper education, mentoring and coaching, people will understand they can buy and sell stocks from their laptop from anywhere in the world. Learning to buy and sell stocks is a skill set you can use for the rest of your life," Fenwick says.
Fenwick has brought on board some powerful people who have experienced his company's platform and believe in his mission such as Jim Coleman, former CEO of the Prince George's County Economic Development Corporation, now the V.P. of Market Expansion for FLip That Stock and Peggy Morris, Founder of Sisters 4 Sisters Network, Inc is onboard as a consultant. Cheryl Broussard, former fund manager, stock broker, TV personality and best-selling author.
"The response has been overwhelming since we launched. People have been flooding our websites LiveSeminarRegistration.com and FLipThatStock.com to learn how to get started and become one of the 1,000 we will teach this year. Learning how to buy and sell stocks is a valuable skill set that is one of the keys to taking control of your financial future outside of a job and the fact that you can do it from your laptop, tablet or even smartphone from anywhere in the world makes it even more appealing to people," Fenwick says.
FLip That Stock is launching their own smartphone app and trading software, as well as a social media platform for members to share their trades and ideas on.
Fenwick is regularly interviewed on radio shows and speaks at entrepreneur conferences across the country. FLip That Stock's future is brighter than ever and is like a fast-rising stock.
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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