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Doctor Shares Great Insights On Aging Gracefully With Mental Stability Practices

City, NC -- Fifty years ago, former Elizabeth City State College
(ECSC) 1967-1968 student council president Charles Singleton was very
active in the aftermath of King's assassination, presenting two speeches
that were called "Stay the Course" and "The Cross of Freedom."
Dr. Singleton is writing about one of the upcoming senior class table
topics for discussion during the celebration of their 50th Golden Class
Reunion: "Memory, Mobility and Aging". This important issue will be
addressed during Elizabeth City State College's Annual Homecoming
Weekend, October 26-28, 2018.
Dr. Singleton comments, "Perhaps, it's just me thinking! And, saying out loudly, aging or growing old is indeed an incredible daily life's challenge, with declining benefits, every twenty-four-seven. Especially, when the 'Good Book' reminds all of us at Psalms 90:10 (KJV) that living to an attainable age of 70 years of age, or three scores and ten, is quite a remarkable accomplishment, and that we could pass away."
Respectfully, following the untimely passing of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, age 61, June 8, 2018, and American fashion designer Kate Spade, age 55, June 5, 2018, consider publishing "Memory Stability Practices for an Aging Generation" to help and possibly prevent suicidal behaviors, related to one's depressive feelings and other at-risk mental conflicts. Recently, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA, suicides among many ages, genders, ethnicities and races are increasing nationally; especially, in rural areas of the United states of America.