Silver Spring, MD 95% of Americans believe the resources available at public libraries are important in giving everyone a chance to succeed (Pew Research Center). That's because libraries today serve a much broader purpose than they used to. They are now viewed as spaces with access to a world of resources, as well as a source of digital literacy for diverse communities.
The Charles County Public Library (CCPL) in Southern Maryland has served its growing and ever-changing region for almost a century.
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When it was first founded in 1922, it contained 3000 volumes and was housed in La Plata on the second floor of the old town jail (which still stands behind the county courthouse today). Today, the Library now has a staff of more than 80 full-time and part-time employees; four branches which house more than 200,000+ volumes of printed material, audio books, film, and other documents; and more than 70,000 county residents with library cards.
As the community grew increasingly diverse, the library recognized the importance of rebranding in order to better communicate its transformation from a place that provided just books. It has now become part of the engine of economic development in the county, offering diverse programming; essential information and technology; and, access to free resources for small businesses and job seekers alike.
Selected from several agencies, JBK Brand Design LLC (JBK) won the bid to redesign the library's brand and help transform its perception in the community. A woman- and minority-owned agency based in Silver Spring, MD, JBK specializes in designing, building and transforming brands which make an impact in diverse communities. Having worked with clients such as the Steve Harvey World Group, The National Urban League, The Freedom House Museum, and Turner Construction, the multidisciplinary agency has helped transform numerous brands over almost 20 years in business.
"Our new brand represents everything a 21st century public library is all about: transformation, connection, access, innovation, and community. Public libraries are no longer just warehouses for books, but also centers of activity, learning, and diverse viewpoints. The new logo embodies that spirit of movement and engagement our community has come to rely on from its public library," stated Janet Salazar, the Library's Executive Director.
CCPL Board Chair, Claudia Bellony-Atanga adds, "The Charles County Public Library has always been a first class library, but was in desperate need of a first-class logo. JBK totally understood the vision from the beginning and, most importantly, they understood why branding is vital for a 21st century library. The community can't stop talking about the library's new brand! It reflects the caliber and quality of our services. Whenever I see the new logo on print materials I smile on the inside."
The new brand, which launched to rave reviews in October 2018, now better represents the Library the diverse community it serves.
About JBK Brand Design LLC
Based in the metropolitan Washington, DC area, JBK Brand Design LLC is a woman- and minority-owned design agency which specializes in designing, building and transforming brands that make an impact in multicultural communities. For more information about JBK Brand Design LLC, visit www.julianbkiganda.com. To view the new brand, visit bit.ly/ccplrebranding. For more information on the Charles County Public Library, visit www.ccplonline.org.
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