Nationwide - Teen entrepreneurs Essynce Moore and AJ Carr, both just 15-years old, are dedicated and determined to inspire, empower, and educate thousands of elementary, middle, and high school students in about 25 cities/states around the world. Essynce and AJ's goals are to address concerns and issues in the schools to help eliminate all the negativity that’s present and embrace more of the positive.
About AJ Carr
At just 13-years old, AJ Carr created the organization Building Bosses, a non-profit organization teaching the youth the importance of leadership, entrepreneurship, and service.
He created "Building Bosses" to help the youth to explore & cultivate their talents, promote leadership & positivity, build character through self-esteem by teaching self-worth, & encourage our youth to become productive members of society. Building Bosses is a program that pairs young people with successful, local business owners who provide guidance and ongoing mentorship.
Today, AJ is a 15-year old public speaker, as well as a professional SAG actor. He currently has a recurring role in the new Showtime series The Chi, created by Lena Waithe & produced by Common. He has had co-starring roles on NBC's Chicago PD, PBS's Mercy Street, and most recently, the FX series Atlanta. AJ is an amazing actor, but it's what he does with his personal time that makes him so extraordinary.
AJ is a professional public speaker, who recently did a TedTalk. He travels to different cities to speak to young people, and host "Youth Empowerment Events". He works very hard to inspire positive change in the community, and he has had many accomplishments at such a young age. There have been many news stories about him and the work he does. He was featured on the front page of the CapTimes, he has received 3 letters of commendation from The White House, & a documentary film has been created about AJ entitled "AJ Carr", and it will be shown in schools in multiple states. AJ strives to make a difference in as many young lives as possible and inspire positive change. (More Below After Sponsor's Message)
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About Essynce Moore
At 13-years old, Essynce Moore started Essynce Couture University (ECU), a division of Essynce Couture, LLC to teach the youth about its four pillars: Entrepreneurship, Integrity, Education, and Leadership. Essynce created Essynce Couture University to have our Youth be able to teach their peers about the four pillars, as well as, prepare them with life style skills that’s rarely taught in schools.
Today, Essynce is a very well-known 15-year old author who has written three books that are mandatory readings for several school district curriculums including Hillside, NJ School District; Brooklyn, NY Charter School(s); and Orange, NJ School District. Her books are a part of a series that she created called The Middle School Chronicles! The books can be used to prepare students for Middle School, assist with self-esteem, bullying, conflict resolution, youth empowerment, and so much more.
Essynce is also a fashion designer who started her own clothing line, branded "Essynce Couture". In 2015, she launched Essynce Couture Spa and Boutique exclusively for children, tweens, and teens to give the youth a place of their own to visit and be pampered, inspired, and educated.
Essynce is an entrepreneur, child’s fashion designer/stylist, author, actress, celebrity, motivational speaker, and fashionista that brings a positive vibe to her peers and others. She's been in numerous films, fashion shows, pageants, karate tournaments and has spoken at numerous conferences and/or workshops around the world.
She has showcased at both NY Fashion Weeks and Atlanta Kids Fashion Week while also ripping the runway. She has been featured on BET, Verizon Fios News, BlackNews.com, MadameNoire, The Record newspaper, The Epoch Times newspaper, and a host of other news and media outlets. In 2014, she was interviewed and featured on NBC (Channel 4 News), Jeff Foxx of WBLS FM, BuzzFeed, Yahoo, & Verizon Fios Channel 1 News. Essynce is also a member of the New York Youth Chamber of Commerce (NYYCC).
The Tour
The purpose of the "Youth Empowerment Tour" is to empower and inspire the youth by discussing entrepreneurship and living your dreams, as well as, addressing bullying, self-esteem, and creating a forum where the youth can openly address the many issues that affect their communities, schools, and households every day. We encourage them to suggest possible ways they can make a difference in a "non-judgement" zone.
Focus: Youth Solidarity and Empowerment
Young men, women, and children die everyday in cities all across the country at the hands of other young people. Many of them are also being attacked because of the color of their skin, being unique, and unfortunately some have to fear for their lives everyday. Essynce & AJ are both successful young entrepreneurs who want to help young people recognize how valuable their lives are and give them the encouragement to unite and become leaders in their communities.
They want to connect with the youth and invite them to openly discuss the issues they feel affect their community in a negative way by shedding a positive light on how to deal with the situation(s). The panel will listen to the youth, as well as, provide them with positive suggestions of ways they can rise above their circumstances and actively work toward accomplishing their goals.
They need your assistance by sponsoring (sponsorship packages are available via their website), donating, and getting involved in this collective effort.
Follow them on social media:
Facebook - www.facebook.com/essandajtour/
Visit their website:
Paypal - http://paypal.me/essandajtour
GoFundme - www.gofundme.com/essandajtou
Paypal - http://paypal.me/essandajtour
GoFundme - www.gofundme.com/essandajtou
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

About the Southeast Queens Scoop - is the premier website and only publication offering daily news and updates on the events, culture, issues, and is dedicated to the business and economic development in this largely black historic community.
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