Nationwide -- Terry Lewis' new innovative football helmet won Jacksonville, Florida's One Spark 2018 Entrepreneurial Festival, Life Spark category. Moms and dads loved the concept that "kids brains matter too." The Boss Helmet concussion impact reduction technology and design will help football players head on collision have a little less "brain shaking" on impact.
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Terry played his entire football career in Jacksonville, Fl. from PAL (Police Athletic League), Senior High School and a year of semi-pro. One high school game he remembered was when he had a head on collision with an opposing player. He stayed down on the ground and the trainers came out to the field to get him as he stumbled to the sideline.
They sat him down on the bench and he told them he was alright. A few minutes later the defense went back on the field and he told them he was ready to go back in the game. The trainer asked him what the score was. He must have gotten it wrong. He looked for his helmet to go back in the game - it was missing. Apparently, the trainer must have taken it so he couldn't go back in the game. They told him that he had a mild concussion and that was the end of his night.
There is no reporting of concussions in the Pee Wee and Pop Warner league players, but we know they are getting their bell rung too.
Terry's solution to this problem is The Boss Helmet. This innovative helmet has the technology in it to slow down the impact on contact. This revolutionary safety helmet comes with four forms of protection to disperse the energy to reduce the speed of contact on impact from a player to another when they collide.
(1) The outer shell is separated individually into 9 oval shaped panels to deflect the direct impact forces. (2) Shocks and bosses that absorbs the impact as it decompresses and disperses the impact energy. (3) The inner liner that protects the skull. (4) A specially designed padding system that is made out of a special type of memory foam.
Terry believes that this is the best helmet for concussion impact reduction possibilities in the game today. The reason is because the mothers and fathers of future football players are very concerned about their children getting concussions. The whole football industry depends on the kids feeding into the sport, and Terry thinks he has invented a game changer with his new cutting edge technology with the Boss Helmet.
He really needs the support of the community because he is an unfunded inventor who has used all his financial resources in the patent, research, engineering, and development of a prototype. But yet there is a final step. He needs $75,000 for the manufacturing, design changes, testing and marketing campaign. His mission is to bring to the market a safer helmet that will possibly save kids from concussions, and hopefully save the sport of football from its bad reputation of concussions.
All are invited to support Terry and the Boss Helmet by going to www.gofundme.com/boss-helmet and make a donation. Every dollar given will be greatly appreciated and will get him one step closer to making a vision a reality
See Terry's interview: https://youtu.be/H4iuArOXXTI
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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