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Monday, April 9, 2018

Rags To Riches Millionaire Embarks On Multi-City Tour To Shoot Documentary On Becoming A 7 Figure Earner

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Learn How A Lady Went From The Streets Of
Baltimore To Stanford PhD And Millionaire

Baltimore, MD -- From living on the streets of Baltimore to Stanford PhD to millionaire, Dr. Venus Opal Reese has “monetized her messy” life. She is returning to her roots in Baltimore to capture footage about her life and teach other Black Women entrepreneurs how to become 7-figure earners.

Thirty top book-publishing houses turned down her book proposal, The Black Woman Millionaire: A Revolutionary Act That DEFIES Impossible. The reason: They didn’t believe there was a "market" of Black Women who would buy a book about becoming one. With the love and support of her 150,000 fans, friends, followers, and connections, she self-published and took the book to #1 on Amazon in 3 hours and 11 minutes.

"I love my tribe. I could never have done this alone. In fact, my life is a miracle because of love. Sometimes when I am interviewed, the background assumption is that my willpower got me off the streets and to millionaire status. It wasn't. What made the difference was the love of others, especially my ninth grade math teacher, Mrs. Judy Francis. She taught me through her actions that I matter, that I wasn't a piece of trash to be thrown away. It's because of her love that I am alive, whole, and successful. It wasn’t willpower that saved my life. It was love," says Reese. (Article continues after sponsor's message)

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Dr. Venus is doing a ten-city tour, "The Black Woman Millionaire: Heal Your Way to 7 Figures On Your OWN Terms!" Each tour stop her team takes footage for the documentary they are creating about what it takes to become a Black Woman millionaire. While in Baltimore, Dr. Venus will interview other teachers and family members who "loved me while I was still broken" to show the power of love.

"When I met Venus in my classroom, I could see she had skills and qualities that were not being used. And I could see that she was much smarter than she appeared to be.

 Her environment was not supporting her, given the condition of appearance. So since she was so cooperative and eager to learn, I could see that I could support her in a dream - and I didn't know what that dream was because I didn’t know her that well. So I took advantage of her staying after school and driving her home - wherever she was staying at the time.

 And started my campaign," says Judy Francis (whom Reese calls Nanna). Nanna is the ninth grade math teacher Dr. Venus credits with saving her life and her success.

On April 14, at the Hilton Baltimore, Inner Harbor Area, 401 West Pratt Street, Dr. Venus will be teaching attendees principles from her best-selling book as well as proven business strategies to become a "seven-figure sister."

"I want to be for my clients who Nanna has been for me - my champion," says Dr. Venus. "She showed me that I was bigger than my bruises. She loved me when I smelled like urine and cried in my sleep. She gave me tools to have a different life than the one I was born into. And she loved me. I want to pay it forward. I can never pay her back. But I can make her proud."

For tour details and tickets, go to

To purchase the book, visit The Black Woman Millionaire

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Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

About the Southeast Queens Scoop - is the premier website and only publication offering daily news and updates on the events, culture, issues, and is dedicated to the business and economic development in this largely black historic community.

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