Soaring into Greatness
By Dr. Jacqueline Evans Phillips
My refining process has been a developmental one in which I am becoming wiser and more mature from each experience. Through these storms, I earned my doctorate degree, started my own company, Life Changers Consulting, LLC, authored three books, The Purpose Factor, The Greatness Within You, and Soaring into Greatness.
In addition, I am a contributing author in the Stand Up to be Heard 2nd volume, and book Women Across Borders. My most recent book, Soaring into Greatness, testifies to my evolution in my business as I continue to Soar into my own Greatness.
It was indeed an honor to transition 15 individuals as my contributing authors in the book Soaring into Greatness. Many of these contributors had aspirations of being authors but didn’t know how or where to begin.
Taking this journey with my authors was indeed a transformative process. It was a great opportunity for them to share their journey with the world, illustrating how they overcame adversity and used their trials as a stepping stone to move into a higher dimension of Purpose. This process has been a healing and restorative process for all of them and has unlocked higher dimensions in their lives.
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My journey towards being a Mid-Wife of Purpose came through stages of being broken, displaced, and restored. Through this journey, I experienced a divorce, earned a doctorate degree, then got displaced from a higher education administrator’s position. Coupled with this journey were two major Eclipses or Shifts in my life.
An Eclipse happens when you are able to realize that your calling becomes greater than your current circumstances. Through this process, you are able to transcend to a higher mode of thinking where you are able to connect with your Spirit and align yourself as one with nature.
During this process, you realize that there is a greater force working to Push you in the direction of your Purpose. You are not being defined by your circumstances. Your current oppressive state then becomes a vehicle, the wind beneath your wings that will propel and push you forward.
The first Shift happened during the sixth year of my doctoral studies. It took me seven years to earn my doctorate. Even though I was moving in that direction of success, the journey was indeed one of many trials and tribulations. It was a struggle balancing a home life, raising two children, developing a professional career, and completing the required courses for the degree.
The struggle of balancing all these elements resulted in the breakup of my marriage of seventeen years. In the midst of this struggle, at the sixth-year mark of earning my degree, I had my first Eclipse. This awakening gave me a renewed strength and the belief that there is Greatness inside of me; that my calling becomes greater than my current circumstances. With such a new charge, I was able to wrap up my studies and finish my degree within one year.
What was also symbolic about this first awakening was the length of time I spent in my journey towards my doctorate degree. It took a period of Seven years, which is a symbolic number in the bible. Seven, marks a stage of completion and of divine perfection. During that period, God was perfecting me for His greater mission.
Throughout this season, I was being renewed and strengthened. With this new approach, I had to make several major mental and physical Shifts in my life, which climaxed in a wonderful feeling of success on graduation day.
My transformation was far from over, even after earning my degree. I had attained a level of refinement which prepared me for the next Storm heading my way. Three weeks after my graduation, the landscape of my work environment totally changed.
I had anticipated a change in management, but not the sudden shift in reorganization which rocked my world. This reorganization stemmed from our new administration’s vision, low enrollment numbers, and a negative financial outlook regarding funding for the college and the state government.
As a result, I became one of the many victims of a massive college and state-wide layoff. By God’s grace, I was able to remain employed a year and a half from that layoff notice, which positioned and bridged me into doing my own business.
At first, these rapid changes drastically shifted my whole world. I felt as if I were in a spin cycle of a washing machine with the threat of someone opening the door while the wash was in full progress. These storms, first my divorce, and then losing the security of my job, created a sense of financial insecurity in the manner in which I was going to provide for my family.
I questioned God asking, “Why me, when I am just recovering from the pressure of earning a degree?” I felt I should be at the pinnacle of my career and yet I had landed in this spin cycle, this tornadic storm.
This raw humanistic approach lasted for a while until the second Eclipse occurred. With this realization, I was able to define my Storms as my period in the Garden of Gethsemane. This garden was the place where Jesus had prayed in agony as he contemplated the horror of what he was to experience in the crucifixion the following day.
There he cried out to God, "Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done” (Luke 22:42). In that Garden, Jesus’ sweat became “like drops of blood” (Luke 22:44) and God sent an angel from heaven to strengthen him (Luke 22:43).
What is also symbolic about the Garden of Gethsemane is that it was a place where olive trees grew. The name Gethsemane also means “oil press.” This is symbolic to the Storms we face in our lives. We are being pressured and refined in the same manner olives are pressed into oil. It was in my Garden of Gethsemane that I felt alone with the Storms I was going through.
I cried out to God, asking him when was He going to release me from this position? “Why can’t I get another job? Why did I have to be stripped from my old position?” I asked God, “Why me? I am tired and cannot move forward.” Within this Eclipse, I realized that when God is ready to transform and refine you, it is a journey you take alone.
I realized during that period that I had to actively exist in the domains of my Call to Greatness Framework, addressing my whole Self, renewing my mind, establishing my Village and strengthening my connection with the Spirit. All these aspects enabled me to shift into a new phase in my life.
Moving into this new phase helped me to better understand my Call to Greatness. Highlights of the Call to Greatness Framework are as follows:
~ Connecting to my Spirit, my inner voice, or for some, the vibrations of the universe. This connection with the Holy Spirit, the force of God, became the energy which now provides the force to propel me onto the next level of my life.
~ Understanding Who I Am, a process of developing the whole self where I am addressing areas in my life that needed refinement. Additionally, it is an opportunity to strengthen my current talents, gifts, and abilities, then mapping out goals to develop a Roadmap that will help me achieve success and balance in my life.
~ Enhancing my Love in all my Relationships, starting by practicing self-love and then demonstrating love in all my personal interactions. Also, important with this component was the recognition and value of my Village. My Village consisted of my close friends and network who provided support and encouragement throughout this phase.
~ Being of Service by spreading love and acts of kindness within my community. Through this process, I am able to make a difference in the lives of others.
The outcome of these major Storms and Eclipse gave birth to my business, Life Changers Consulting, LLC. Surviving these Storms reminded me of the words “God will break you into pieces to transform you into the vessel he wants you to be.” I am reminded daily that I need to trust God and step out in faith; step out and be a Mid-wife for individuals into higher dimensions of Purpose.
My company, Life Changers Consulting LLC, has developed and evolved over the past four years. During that period, I have been making a difference in the lives of others by empowering them to Soar into Greatness, using the principles of my Call to Greatness Frame Work. As an author, educator, and Life Coach, my empowerment services take the form of life coaching and the following programs:
~ A Soaring into Greatness DreamBig, a youth curriculum which empowers youth to develop an awareness of the power of the greatness within them.
~ Dr. Jackie’s Writer’s Academy, which assists individuals in writing books and sharing their stories.
~ I Said Yes to Greatness Institute is a program designed for individuals who are ready to be bold, to develop and expand their personal or business platform by branding their services and writing a book in the marketplace.
My most recent book, Soaring into Greatness, testifies to my evolution in my business as I continue to Soar into my own Greatness. It was indeed an honor to transition 15 individuals as my contributing authors in the book Soaring into Greatness.
Many of these contributors had aspirations of being authors but didn’t know how or where to begin. Taking this journey with my authors was indeed a transformative process.
It was a great opportunity for them to share their journey with the world, illustrating how they overcame adversity and used their trials as a stepping stone to move into a higher dimension of Purpose. This process has been a healing and restorative process for all of them and has unlocked higher dimensions in their lives.
This process has enabled them to Push past their fears, and now, they have all ascended into much higher dimensions and are stepping into new territories by writing their own books and developing or enhancing their own business projects. I thank God for this opportunity of using me as a vessel and to expand my territory for his Purpose. To learn more about my services, please visit my website: www.drjackiephillips.com
As you journey through your Storms in life, remember that God has a Purpose for your life. It is your Call to Greatness.
The sooner you are able to realize and connect to your Purpose on this earth, the sooner you will feel the rewards of the Fruit of the Spirit in your life. These fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control.
Today, I challenge you to live a life of intention by asking the following questions:
– Am I ready to live more authentically?
– Am I ready to master self-doubt and develop a mission statement to live by?
– Am I walking in my Call to Greatness?
An Eclipse happens when you are able to realize that your calling becomes greater than your current circumstances. Through this process, you are able to transcend to a higher mode of thinking where you are able to connect with your Spirit and align yourself as one with nature.
During this process, you realize that there is a greater force working to Push you in the direction of your Purpose. You are not being defined by your circumstances. Your current oppressive state then becomes a vehicle, the wind beneath your wings that will propel and push you forward.
The first Shift happened during the sixth year of my doctoral studies. It took me seven years to earn my doctorate. Even though I was moving in that direction of success, the journey was indeed one of many trials and tribulations. It was a struggle balancing a home life, raising two children, developing a professional career, and completing the required courses for the degree.
The struggle of balancing all these elements resulted in the breakup of my marriage of seventeen years. In the midst of this struggle, at the sixth-year mark of earning my degree, I had my first Eclipse. This awakening gave me a renewed strength and the belief that there is Greatness inside of me; that my calling becomes greater than my current circumstances. With such a new charge, I was able to wrap up my studies and finish my degree within one year.
What was also symbolic about this first awakening was the length of time I spent in my journey towards my doctorate degree. It took a period of Seven years, which is a symbolic number in the bible. Seven, marks a stage of completion and of divine perfection. During that period, God was perfecting me for His greater mission.
Throughout this season, I was being renewed and strengthened. With this new approach, I had to make several major mental and physical Shifts in my life, which climaxed in a wonderful feeling of success on graduation day.
My transformation was far from over, even after earning my degree. I had attained a level of refinement which prepared me for the next Storm heading my way. Three weeks after my graduation, the landscape of my work environment totally changed.
I had anticipated a change in management, but not the sudden shift in reorganization which rocked my world. This reorganization stemmed from our new administration’s vision, low enrollment numbers, and a negative financial outlook regarding funding for the college and the state government.
As a result, I became one of the many victims of a massive college and state-wide layoff. By God’s grace, I was able to remain employed a year and a half from that layoff notice, which positioned and bridged me into doing my own business.
At first, these rapid changes drastically shifted my whole world. I felt as if I were in a spin cycle of a washing machine with the threat of someone opening the door while the wash was in full progress. These storms, first my divorce, and then losing the security of my job, created a sense of financial insecurity in the manner in which I was going to provide for my family.
I questioned God asking, “Why me, when I am just recovering from the pressure of earning a degree?” I felt I should be at the pinnacle of my career and yet I had landed in this spin cycle, this tornadic storm.
This raw humanistic approach lasted for a while until the second Eclipse occurred. With this realization, I was able to define my Storms as my period in the Garden of Gethsemane. This garden was the place where Jesus had prayed in agony as he contemplated the horror of what he was to experience in the crucifixion the following day.
There he cried out to God, "Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done” (Luke 22:42). In that Garden, Jesus’ sweat became “like drops of blood” (Luke 22:44) and God sent an angel from heaven to strengthen him (Luke 22:43).
What is also symbolic about the Garden of Gethsemane is that it was a place where olive trees grew. The name Gethsemane also means “oil press.” This is symbolic to the Storms we face in our lives. We are being pressured and refined in the same manner olives are pressed into oil. It was in my Garden of Gethsemane that I felt alone with the Storms I was going through.
I cried out to God, asking him when was He going to release me from this position? “Why can’t I get another job? Why did I have to be stripped from my old position?” I asked God, “Why me? I am tired and cannot move forward.” Within this Eclipse, I realized that when God is ready to transform and refine you, it is a journey you take alone.
I realized during that period that I had to actively exist in the domains of my Call to Greatness Framework, addressing my whole Self, renewing my mind, establishing my Village and strengthening my connection with the Spirit. All these aspects enabled me to shift into a new phase in my life.
Moving into this new phase helped me to better understand my Call to Greatness. Highlights of the Call to Greatness Framework are as follows:
~ Connecting to my Spirit, my inner voice, or for some, the vibrations of the universe. This connection with the Holy Spirit, the force of God, became the energy which now provides the force to propel me onto the next level of my life.
~ Understanding Who I Am, a process of developing the whole self where I am addressing areas in my life that needed refinement. Additionally, it is an opportunity to strengthen my current talents, gifts, and abilities, then mapping out goals to develop a Roadmap that will help me achieve success and balance in my life.
~ Enhancing my Love in all my Relationships, starting by practicing self-love and then demonstrating love in all my personal interactions. Also, important with this component was the recognition and value of my Village. My Village consisted of my close friends and network who provided support and encouragement throughout this phase.
~ Being of Service by spreading love and acts of kindness within my community. Through this process, I am able to make a difference in the lives of others.
The outcome of these major Storms and Eclipse gave birth to my business, Life Changers Consulting, LLC. Surviving these Storms reminded me of the words “God will break you into pieces to transform you into the vessel he wants you to be.” I am reminded daily that I need to trust God and step out in faith; step out and be a Mid-wife for individuals into higher dimensions of Purpose.
My company, Life Changers Consulting LLC, has developed and evolved over the past four years. During that period, I have been making a difference in the lives of others by empowering them to Soar into Greatness, using the principles of my Call to Greatness Frame Work. As an author, educator, and Life Coach, my empowerment services take the form of life coaching and the following programs:
~ A Soaring into Greatness DreamBig, a youth curriculum which empowers youth to develop an awareness of the power of the greatness within them.
~ Dr. Jackie’s Writer’s Academy, which assists individuals in writing books and sharing their stories.
~ I Said Yes to Greatness Institute is a program designed for individuals who are ready to be bold, to develop and expand their personal or business platform by branding their services and writing a book in the marketplace.
My most recent book, Soaring into Greatness, testifies to my evolution in my business as I continue to Soar into my own Greatness. It was indeed an honor to transition 15 individuals as my contributing authors in the book Soaring into Greatness.
Many of these contributors had aspirations of being authors but didn’t know how or where to begin. Taking this journey with my authors was indeed a transformative process.
It was a great opportunity for them to share their journey with the world, illustrating how they overcame adversity and used their trials as a stepping stone to move into a higher dimension of Purpose. This process has been a healing and restorative process for all of them and has unlocked higher dimensions in their lives.
This process has enabled them to Push past their fears, and now, they have all ascended into much higher dimensions and are stepping into new territories by writing their own books and developing or enhancing their own business projects. I thank God for this opportunity of using me as a vessel and to expand my territory for his Purpose. To learn more about my services, please visit my website: www.drjackiephillips.com
As you journey through your Storms in life, remember that God has a Purpose for your life. It is your Call to Greatness.
The sooner you are able to realize and connect to your Purpose on this earth, the sooner you will feel the rewards of the Fruit of the Spirit in your life. These fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control.
Today, I challenge you to live a life of intention by asking the following questions:
– Am I ready to live more authentically?
– Am I ready to master self-doubt and develop a mission statement to live by?
– Am I walking in my Call to Greatness?
Dr. Jacqueline Evans Phillips, a Doctor of Education with a Masters in Clinical Psychology, is on a mission to create an empowerment movement to awaken individuals to their Call to Greatness. Making a difference in the lives of other people has become Jacqueline’s life purpose.
Passing the torch of greatness has become a personal mission in both her professional career and her private life.
Jacqueline is the founder and owner of Life Changers Consulting LLC, a company that provides life empowerment services and educational consulting for individuals who are ready to develop a roadmap to Living a Life of Purpose. The empowerment services take the form of life coaching, empowerment and educational workshops, and presentations.
As an author, Jacqueline continues to awaken individuals to their Call to Greatness through her book, The Purpose Factor. This guided journal empowers individuals to use adversity as a means to discover their Purpose by using the Call to Greatness Empowerment Model. Through this model, users will be able to assess their engagement level by exploring the principles of Self, Love, Service and Spirit. To contact or see more of Dr. Jackie's services and products visit: www.drjackiephillips.com
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