Remembering The Most Moving Stories Of
2017 In The Southeast Queens Scoop
2017 In The Southeast Queens Scoop
This year ending of 2017, the Southeast Queens Scoop (The SEQ Scoop), newsblog published over 718 events and articles. The majority of the blog posts were positive events and articles about the Greater Jamaica and Southeast Queens, NY, area.
The SEQ Scoop was viewed over 210,000 times in about 7 months. This newsblog reached over 43,000 visits in the last month. In short we had a pretty strong showing for a local newsblog that is community focused although we carried a good deal of uplifting and provocative national stories as well.
We had some very popular stories that were viewed by thousands and tens of thousands of people each. The following are the top 7 stories of 2017 as of 12/30/2017.