January, 20th , 2014 South Queens, New York - Many African American boys have been
inspired to read and expand their minds by comic books. Black males
have supported the superhero genre in both classic comic books and more
recently blockbuster movies. Understandably, in response to multi-ethnic
support of comic books the mainstream comic book media, out of
enlightened self interest and marketing savvy, have created a shortlist
of superheroes of color.
Superheroes of color and black superheroes in the mainstream comic book
media have been sporadic or divergent with major players like Marvel and
DC comics. However, Black superheroes like the Black Panther, Luke
Cage, Blade, and Spawn to name a few, don’t organically delve into the
throes of Black male experience some would argue.
They certainly don’t delve into the complexity or reflect the nature of
the Black perspective or experience. However, a creative and socially
aware comic book company and supporting fashion line are looking to
change this paucity in comics.

Trapper Boy Chronicles, the comic book creation of entrepreneur and
publisher known as Bro. Wise El, is poised to send ripples through the
comic book industry. Trapper Boy is different than most Superhero
comics in that the protagonists don’t possess super powers.
Also Trapper Boy is a bit different than traditional comics where the
scenario is combative futuristic dealings with despotic authorities or
criminal elements. Instead the Trapper Boy Chronicles franchise more
profoundly delves into inner city urban social throes in a more
realistic and organic way than previous comic publications.
Trapper Boy is derived from the concept of the vicious cycle of life and
survival many people find themselves on. According to the publisher,
“The term "trap" symbolizes that proverbial "hamster wheel" that many of
us have ran on and continue to run on, to keep our head above water.
Any hustle or grind that helps sustain the basic necessities of life can
be termed a "trap".
One persons trap may be his or her office job. Another's can be that of a
school bus driver, And another's can be the blocks, and corners in any
ghetto. Out of this necessity, this line was created to represent
them... The TRAPPERBOY.”
While the challenging social dynamics of urban communities is sometimes
the backdrop of Black comic book characters in mainstream comics,
Trapper Boy Chronicles also posits its controversial perspectives as the
raison d'être for economically challenged communities. This is a
subtle but nevertheless monumental and radical departure for the Black
comic book genre with Trapper Boy Chronicles.

Trapper Boy doesn’t shy away from sensitive inner city issues like
police corruption and brutality, judicial system injustice, racism, and
government cooptation or malfeasance. The Trapper Boy Chronicles are
the creative expression of its publisher Wise, and his roots and
concurrent experience on the tough streets of Queens, New York.
He grew up in the demanding home town of rapper 50 cent and the infamous
Lorenzo “Fat Cat” Nichols. Wise also sold drugs, did a stint in the
military, and practices martial arts. He feels his “life long
experience on the proverbial hamster wheel qualifies him as a writer of
this subject matter.” He also studies religion and culture with groups
like the Nation of Islam which gives him a unique rich tapestry of
knowledge to paint his comic book series.
If Wise is successful with his Trapper Boy Chronicles franchise the
comic book genre will be profoundly challenged and changed. He will
quite possibly inspire and awaken young people to change their
circumstance and station in society. Trapper Boy Chronicles looks to
not only make a statement in print and digital media but also create a
line of statement clothing or aware ware.
His clothing line will make provocative political statements to raise
controversial political/social commentary as well. This is an ambitious
and visionary goal for a comic book publication and fashion line but if
Wise’s ability to overcome adversity in life is any indication of his
tenacity to promote his publication he is up to the task.
Click Here to See Trapper Boy Comics
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